Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Values as true wealth

i read a wonderful article about Warren Buffett's son, Peter, discussing the greatest gift his father (one of the richest men in the world) ave him.  hint: it ain't money.  it was the way they raised him and the values they taught him.

- his parents didn't give him everything he wanted, even though they could have
- they showed him the different situations other people were in
- they encouraged him to find and pursue his own passion, rather than insisting he follow in his father's footsteps
- they taught him to take pride in his own accomplishments, rather than depending on those of his father's to give him a sense of self-respect
- they taught him the importance of iving back to the world

"Economic prosperity may come and go; that's just how it is," he writes in the book. "But values are the steady currency that earn us the all-important rewards."

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