Monday, April 19, 2010

smart and savvy

sorry for the lack of posts! lately, i've been preoccupied with work.  besides, our internet connection at the office has been terrible the past few weeks.  the links i entered in my previous posts weren't even saved!

before we start, let's have a short quiz! (ok, i just had a vision of my 5 or so readers turning off their monitors at this instant).
anwer this: which piggybank are you?

"broken and trying to patch the situation up with a too-small band-aid" piggybank?

recession piggy-bank?

ICU piggybank?

or would you like to be this one, all shiny and well-fed?

see, i read a great article earlier today about How to be a Savvy Cheapskate. now don't be alarmed by the word "cheapskate"! we'll try to use that less often on this site to disassociate ourselves from the negative connotation. from now on, we are smart and savvy spenders, not cheapskates. repeat after me. "I am a smart and savvy spender." there, that was good! that wasn't so hard, was it?
the article is basically about something i'm also trying to emphasize here on my site: if you want to save more, it's not just about getting more for less and cutting coupons; it's about a lifestyle change. it's asking yourself "Do I really need this?" rather than "Do I want this?", and being happier and more content in the end.

to add to the author's tips, i'd like to suggest that you write down your financial goals and also write down your assets or whatever the term is for what you currently have in you piggybank. this way, you can set realistic goals and also help yourself figure out how much you need to earn, and how much you can afford to spend, towards reaching your goal of becoming independent or supporting your family, or paying for your own education, or whatever.

i gotta tell you, i am so excited about this whole project! ok, so maybe only three people have read my blog so far. that's alright!! we can all help each other become more fulfilled with our lives. and that's enough for me. til next time!! i'll post a sample of my very OC financial plan on this site soon to help the visualization process. toodles!!

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